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Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Several people have said that the only constant thing in life is change. In other words, while there are many variables in this world of ours change is one constant factor we can never seem to do away with because it will always exist for as long as we have a world.  A baby ceases to be a baby after living for 10 years; the same person, once a baby, after living for 50 years would have obviously changed into someone else by way of advancement in age. If you have an old car, you will want to change it. Perhaps it is an old dress then surely a new one is what you will want to change the old for or if it a phone that has gone out of fashion then you most likely will want to change it for a trendier one. The bottom line is this: Change is something we all want. It goes without saying that change is a universal concept. One of the many definitions of change as listed in the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary is: To stop having one state, position or direction and start having another. Without a doubt the change we seek must come in form of a change in state, position and direction such that ultimately everything becomes different.

Background Information:
Nigeria is 49 years old having gained independence from the British colonialists in the year 1960. I still picture that day in my head, whenever I feel so concerned about the dwindling fortunes of this country of ours which is like every other day, even though I was not there in person - I can see the Union Jack being lowered and our very own Green-White-Green flag being hoisted to the shouts and admiration of all present. I can see all Nigerians including those at the venue of the ceremony, those following the turn of the events while glued to their TV sets and still others listening to the proceedings on the radio - the hopes and aspirations on their faces cannot but be those of a people who believe that things will only get better and better for the new nation called Nigeria. That was 49 years ago when it was easy and cheap to dream big dreams and get away with it after all no one had to pay any price for it, dreaming that is.
Now it is reality time in Nigeria with a good number of those who were alive at the time sleeping peacefully I hope in their eternal abodes 6 feet below the dark loam of the earth.  Today, we are the 12th largest producer of oil in the world yet one of the worst offenders when it comes to importation of fuel products. Corruption in our country has become the norm and not the exception as it has pervaded every sphere of the Nigerian life and if you say 'Corruption' then surely, you mean Nigeria. Elections in our country are a charade as what we have is a mere imposition of leaders, what you might generously call a parody of public confidence in their fellow man. Our reputation, if we still have any of that virtue left, is nothing to write home about as the average Nigerian is viewed with suspicion and distrust once the green passport is brandished at any of the world’s numerous airports. Sadly that is the present state of affairs in which we find ourselves - the morass of life that we have to contend with on a daily basis. What is the quality of a Nigerian's life anyway? Pardon me; I digress so I must return to the path of this discourse.
This tale of woes does not get any more interesting as even on the home front we are still struggling to get our act together. Uninterrupted power supply is still a long way coming even after billions of dollars have been poured into what is fast becoming a bottomless pit of government ineptitude and profligate spending, potable water in most communities is a mirage as the so called dividends of democracy have become scarce commodities, a good number of our roads are in deplorable states and are at best highways to death and lest I forget; majority of our leaders cannot feel what we feel as they are far removed from what is the harsh reality for the majority of the Nigerian populace. Our economy needs to be diversified as our overdependence on oil is a worrisome trend that can only cause us gloom and doom if we do not do something about it and on time too. I have not mentioned the rot in the healthcare sector, the deficiencies in the education sector, the so much hyped yet vilified rule of law, and the burning issues in the Niger Delta, religious intolerance and ethnic crises, and the anomalies in other sectors that we have come to accept as the ideal scenarios even though they are less than acceptable. The bottom line is that Nigeria is in bad shape, very bad shape and we need fixing badly before this unwieldy conglomeration of a thousand and one ethnic groups comes crashing down.

Call to Action:
The picture cannot be painted worse than that but the question is: Must we fold our arms and watch the destiny of our nation trampled upon by a select few who cannot distinguish their left from their right? Are you like me also tired of this sorry pass called the state of our nation, Nigeria? Is the soul of our nation worth fighting for or do you think we should just take a break and accept our fate that nothing can get better in this country? If you have answered 'No' to all these questions then you are just like me too. The time has come for us to champion the cause of change in our country but first of all we must get things right; and start from the basics as that is the only way forward. The first step is to believe that the change we seek is possible, attainable and sustainable. Once we can see things this way it will only be a matter of time before it becomes a present day reality. You and I have a part to play in this as we belong in the same boat called Nigeria. If Americans for example can have the American dream who says we cannot have our own Nigerian dream built on everything Nigeria represents?
This mind cleansing is essential as what we have for the most part are a cynical people who have believed, erroneously I must add, that Nigeria cannot get any better. Once we can change our mindset and refocus our mental energies to seeing the good that Nigeria can and should become we will appreciate the fact that we are indeed blessed to belong to this nation. This is the kind of approach that we need - one that must start from the inside out. Let the litany on our lips be 'God bless Nigeria' every morning when we wake up and let our everyday actions also reflect just that. If you are used to jumping queues then the time to stop is now. If before now you have been throwing waste on the highway through the window of moving vehicles there is no better time to stop than now. If the custom for you was to give the policeman at the checkpoint the usual 20 naira note in a bid to circumvent the law, now is a very good time to stop. For those who have converted open spaces into public conveniences, the time to effect a change is right now. For the motorist who is guilty of disobeying traffic lights, now is the time to have a change of heart. These actions might actually look very simple on the surface but the truth of the matter is that these little deeds will when pooled together form a whole bank of good for Nigeria. Can you picture the scenario? A hundred and fifty million Nigerians working hand in hand to make sure Nigeria gets to the top and sits comfortably in the midst of the first class nations of the world.
We must work hard at this for the task before us is not a simple one - the rot of forty odd years is not something that can be cleaned out in seconds perhaps not even days but surely sometime in the not too distant future we will get there and when we do it will be to shouts of 'God bless Nigeria, we made it'. Do you see that day coming upon us? It is not about the pains that we will have to experience for surely there will be many of them but it is about the gains that will come to us as a nation if we remain focused and committed to building the nation of our dreams. Is it possible? Yes it is but you must play your own part in this for it to become our reality.
When we begin to take ourselves seriously by working out the change that we desire in this nation then other nations will see that we mean business and offer a helping hand. This is the gospel of change that must be preached in all nooks and crannies of our nation - from the primary to the secondary schools, to the universities, polytechnics and colleges; to government parastatals and ministries, homes and street corners, places of worship, the hallowed chambers of the National Assembly, and in other arms of government Federal, State and Local etcetera. The list is endless as everyone must be carried along in this process of absolute reformation and change for we all stand to gain in the long run.

Change especially when it is for good is a sweet experience. The developed countries of the world today all started from somewhere and some were in worse states than we are right now but this change that we all seek came to them after years of consistent hard work and progressive nation building. Can you see that change coming to us? It is very possible if we work hard at it with all we have and with all we are. We must not be derailed from the ultimate which is that Nigeria must take her place in the comity of nations and that our quality of life must compete favourably with what obtains in other parts of the world. This is not the time to be laid back and complacent but the time to quit complaining and start working out that change that we so very much want to see in our nation. We must leave the realms of wishing this change upon ourselves and start working hard to make it happen. The question is: Will you elect to be part of that change? The choice is yours even as the call is loud and clear: “Arise o compatriots, Nigeria's call obey, To serve our fatherland …” It begins with you!            

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Practical Tips on how to introduce a Speaker

There might be times when you are not the one expected to speak but the task that you have been given is to introduce the keynote speaker at an event. I once had the task given me in respect of a business dinner; thankfully I had been given prior notice so I was more than prepared when the D-day came all thanks to my mentor Richie Dayo Johnson (RDJ) who provided me with ample insight from his stupendous wealth of experience. Needless to say that from the feedback that was received, the audience thought it was an outstanding performance with someone even commenting that it was good PR.
Anyway the introduction of a speaker is just as important as the main speech itself since if it is done right it is capable of setting the perfect mood that will enable maximum reception and so proper care must be taken to get it right every time.
The bottom line is that the best introductions are such that the speaker gets introduced to the audience and vice versa. This will help to create a bond which signifies the existence of mutual interests and leanings. For example if at a seminar on finance you are to introduce a speaker it will be expected of you to highlight the speaker's background in finance as this is a way of increasing the speaker's credibility and thus selling him to the audience who will most likely be people who have a stake in the finance industry too. This helps to create the impression that both the speaker and the audience have something in common.
An introduction is thus like a speech even though a miniature one at that and so it must have an opening, a body and a conclusion. Remember the essence of an introduction is to heighten the expectations of the audience to a reasonable degree so the opening must be such that it catches the attention of the audience. In the body you should tell the audience the relevance of the topic and that of the speaker to the topic. In the conclusion you should set the tone for the main speech by welcoming the speaker enthusiastically to deliver their speech. Wait for the speaker to get to the lectern before you leave as this will enable for a smooth transition from speaker to speaker.
Remember public speaking is a show and you are meant to enjoy it under ideal circumstances so do yourself a good favour by preparing adequately for the introduction just as you would any other important speech. The best way to get better and better at what you do is to practice so make sure you practice the introduction adequately. That way you cannot but get a resounding applause no matter your audience. 

Friday, June 11, 2010

This Gift called Woman

Of all assets I can lay claim to in this world,
None compares to you for you are one in a zillion.
With your broad smiles, you lift up my spirits;
And with your warm personality you refresh me
I am of men most honoured to have you.

As a friend, you have comforted me so.
As a confidant, my innermost thoughts have kissed your ears.
And as a helper you have shared my burdens.
I ask myself, what would I amount to without you?
You are heaven-sent, God’s gift packaged for me.

Even in times of despair, your presence fuels my fire;
For you increase my worth to astronomical proportions       
Causing me to lift my head high among my peers
With you by and on my side, I will conquer all
For you are to me like sweet wine to the taste.

I want you to know that without you I am incomplete
For you make up for the many things I lack.
I need you more than you ever will know.
If I am to live again and choose just one thing,
I would choose you, my gift, above ALL else.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

A guide to making your first speech in public

Nearly everyone will be called upon to make a speech in public at some point in their lives whether it is at a wedding, a birthday party, a graduation ceremony, a dinner or luncheon etc. So you have been given the task of making a speech and as it is your first time you are nervous as hell and do not know what to say or how to go about it. If this describes you be sure you are not the first person to experience this.
So the D-day has come and you are all set and rearing to go but you still get the usual cold shivers down your spine and the butterflies in your stomach seem to be on the rampage. What do you now do? By following these tips you stand a chance of pulling off a brilliant display after all other first timers have been able to receive standing ovations after their presentations so why not you.

Smile - Everyone loves a friendly face, trust me, people really have lots of things to worry about and your unfriendly face is certainly not one they want to have to contend with so learn to smile. Do not get carried away by the seriousness or otherwise of your presentation. The essence of smiling is to help your audience feel at ease listening to you. This can be done at the beginning of your presentation and at intervals if it will help drive home your point. No fake smiles please!!!
Eye Contact - A lot of people tell you to look straight ahead and over the heads of your audience when speaking but in truth a much better approach is to identify friendly faces and address them directly if you cannot look all of them in the face being a newbie and all. Single out the friendly faces in the audience and maintain adequate eye contact for not too long and not too short a time. The bottom line is that overdoing it can be counterproductive and you do not want that.
Breathing Exercises - You may want to take a few deep breaths to calm your nerves. When you feel your heart pounding with great intensity and your throat go dry just before you start your speech take your time. There is no rule that says you have to start your presentation immediately so why not take some seconds off to breathe in and breathe out till you feel at ease.
Maintain a good posture - When called it is advisable for you to walk to the podium with your head high as people will start to evaluate you right from the minute you are called upon to give your speech. Walking gracefully with your head high, face forward and with confident strides speaks well of you before your audience. When making your speech try as possible not to shift your weight from foot to foot as this might be a distraction to the audience who will be carried away by your unnecessary movements.
Use of humour - This can help to disarm your audience if used properly but this requires a lot of practice as you need to identify your own style of humour. If your audience does not laugh move on and do not let it deter you from giving a great speech.
Manage your time well - Whether or not you are the only speaker, managing your time effectively is one strong point of great speakers. Using a fraction of the time allotted suggests you do not have anything to say and going well above time suggests you have too much to say without thinking to give time its due regard. Remember, more does not always mean better.

Finally, I have this great quote from Dorothy Sarnoff, "Make sure you have finished speaking before your audience has finished listening."

To the success of your first speech!

What is so terrifying about Public Speaking?

I want to start this off by asking to know what your greatest fear is, is it the fear of public speaking? If it is then I assure you it need not be! Public speaking is as natural as having a meal or going to the cinema to watch a movie! Do not say it is easy for me to say this because I have some experience in public speaking because the truth is that I have seen people overcome their fear of public speaking and go on to become great speakers. The truth is if you are interested in public speaking you must not let your fear get the better of you.
According to documented research and surveys carried out worldwide, the greatest fear that people have is the fear of public speaking and it ranks higher on many a list than the fear of death. It follows logically that if these same people had a chance to give a speech somewhere they would actually prefer to drop dead than give the speech. Funny is it not? The striking thing is that it is true!

Pericles, the great orator and statesman of ancient Greece said, "Those who can think, but cannot express what they think, place themselves at the level of those who cannot think." This just goes to show the importance of public speaking as a medium of communication as no one can tell what you know until you open your mouth to do the speaking.
So this brings us to the question, why are people so fearful of public speaking? I think the first major fear has to do with the fear of failure: fear of forgetting what they intend to say, fear of not having the audience accept them and what they have to say, fear of not believing in their ability to do a good job etc.
While I will not tell you that your fears are unfounded, I will only go on to say that you need not worry as every human being even the most experienced of public speakers has at least one fear or the other whether related to public speaking or not.

Here are some tips that might prove helpful:
Have a positive mindset -- There is nothing like being possessive of the right frame of mind for any task you want to embark on public speaking inclusive. If you can convince yourself of the fact that your audience wants you to succeed (this is why they came to listen to you in the first place!) then you are well on your way to success. When you desire to give your best having the right frame of mind, it enhances your confidence.
Prepare adequately -- There is no substitute for knowing your materials and making adequate preparations. A popular cliché goes thus, "Proper preparation prevents poor performance". This works in every facet of life public speaking inclusive.
Visualise success -- What you see in your mind will eventually become your reality so long as you take the right steps towards that reality. Imagine yourself being applauded at the end of your presentation and not being booed as a newbie might probably think will be the case. A proper mental picture will stimulate the creation of a physical picture!
Get to know your audience - My mentor Richie Dayo Johnson (RDJ) says, "A good speaker speaks to an audience about a subject matter and not about a subject matter to an audience". Trust me on this; these are two different things entirely. Knowing your audience is a topic on its own and is very critical to your success as a speaker.

Learn how to master your fear and let it work for you as you become the speaker you want to be!
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