Knowing that even before you start speaking your audience will start to evaluate your ability to deliver the goods on your presentation, there is a need to be conscious of every little detail from the minute you arrive the venue until you make your presentation. It is all about increasing your believability level and your ability to establish a connection with your audience on all fronts. When called to make your presentation, it is preferable to walk smartly to the lectern with your head raised and your shoulders straightened out. This tells the audience that a confident person is about to speak to them and will most likely boost their expectations of you. Having said that it is up to you to justify their level of expectation and even go on to surpass their expectations.
Here are a few tips that will help you to maintain a good posture
during that important speech you are preparing to make. They are very simple and easy to follow and should be practiced as many times as possible to attain perfection.
Shoulders Straight - There is no need make your audience begin to feel sorry for you if that is not the objective of your presentation and presentations like that are usually reserved for the theatre if you get my drift. Do not slump as it indicates tiredness on your part, which can easily be transmitted to your audience.
Chest Out - No matter what the subject matter of your speech is, you need to be convincing when making your presentation. Stand with your chest out and look smart with your posture.
Stomach In - This might not work for everyone as we all are physically endowed to varying degrees. Despite this, tuck your stomach in to enhance your appearance before your audience.
Head Up - When your head is down, you easily pass yourself off as one who is dejected. Even if truly you are then you should not let your audience know that that is the case. The standard procedure then would be to raise your head so that you can easily maintain eye contact with your audience.
Stand Erect - Standing erect is the easiest way of passing off as being confident and serious about what you are talking about before an audience. One of the crimes you can easily commit against yourself is to reduce your believability level in the eyes of the audience and this can happen in any way. Do not lean on one leg, as you must learn to put your weight equally on both legs to maintain the stance of confidence.
During your presentation, you must make sure your movements match the message you are trying to pass across, as there is a whole world of difference between moving with intent and moving aimlessly. Making deliberate movements to emphasise a point is the key point to note here. You must limit your movements such that they only add value to your presentation and not detract from it; this kind of approach is best in very formal settings like conferences, business presentations and the like.
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